Wellness Education
Sarah is available to support individuals, families, and communities as they begin or deepen their health and wellness journey.
Whether you’re looking for a single meeting or workshop that serves as a jumping-off point — or you’d like ongoing coaching and training — you can set up a plan that works for you to enhance physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic wellness for yourself and those you care for.
Teaching, training, and workshop topics include:
Practices + perspectives for emotional health
New tools for anxiety
Working with your energy field
Sleep and your health + tips
Wellness in schools
Today’s child
Highly sensitive people, empaths + neurodiverse
Self-regulating practices for children + adults
Self-awareness + mindfulness
Healthy boundaries
Healthy communication
Life balance: pace, simplicity, routines + rituals
Spirituality and wellbeing
Nature and wellbeing
Movement and wellbeing
Food and wellness + mood
Screen time, devices, phones and wellbeing
Forgiveness (others + self)
Body care products and your health
Home environment and your health